We are pleased to announce that BRP will focus primarily on writers of poetry and flash fiction who identify as marginalised: those who are disabled, BAME, LGBTQ, or come from a socio-economic deprived background.
WRitERSWe are pleased to announce our first writer for publication: OLIVIA TUCK See HERE for Olivia's biography. |
In its first year, Black Rabbit Press will also be exclusively publishing writers who identify as female, as well as in one or more of the categories stated above, as a further celebration of Suffrage 100.
WHY ANY OF THIS??? Because we want to use our own privilege to support those with less of it. As well as to hear / read different voices who would not normally receive support or a platform.
WHY ANY OF THIS??? Because we want to use our own privilege to support those with less of it. As well as to hear / read different voices who would not normally receive support or a platform.
OUR GOALTo publish poetry and flash fiction by diverse and distinctive voices. |
DiscoverNew Voices
“All the diversity, all the charm, and all the beauty of life are made up of light and shade.”
― Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina |
“We are all different, which is great because we are all unique. Without diversity life would be very boring.”
-- Catherine Pulsifer |
IT'S UP TO US toChange
“I can see myself in all things and all people around me.”
— Sanskrit Phrase |